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5 Birds to Keep as a Family Pet

5 Birds to Keep as a Family Pet


Dogs and cats are not the only options out there if you’re looking for a family pet. Birds can also make excellent pets and a great addition to the family. They adapt well to kids and can help your children learn the responsibility of caring for their own animal. These beautiful animals are low maintenance and have a longer lifespan, so they will be part of the family for years to come. We’ve rounded up 5 birds that we think would make a great addition to your home.


Due to its friendly demeanor and easy-going personality, the cockatiel makes a great pet for kids of all ages. These beautiful birds are one of the most recognized in the world, and with their sweet temperament and knack for learning, it's no wonder they make such great family pets.

The cockatiel, also known as cockatoos, is part of the parrot family and is one of the most popular parrot breeds. With their expressive vocals, these birds can pick up simple tones and voices to repeat, and they love to learn since it means interaction with their humans. If you're looking for a unique family pet these charming birds might be just what your family needs.

Love Bird

The lovebird is also among the parrot species and is known as the smallest of parrots. Although lovebirds don't typically talk, they sometimes have the ability to mimic sounds, such as a whistle or a doorbell. Lovebirds can make great family pets since they have a friendly personality and enjoy close contact with people.

Although these birds might be the smallest of their species, they do require a lot of exercise in order to maintain their health. If you’re considering them as a pet, you have to make sure you have a safe space for them to play outside of their cage for a few hours a day, so their wings can get the proper exercise they need.

Budgerigar (budgie)

The budgerigar, also known as the parakeet, can make an excellent family pet. These birds are very friendly and bond well with their human companions. With proper care and attention, a budgie can become an affectionate companion. In captivity, budgies can live anywhere from 7-15 years much longer than when they are in the wild.

These birds are great for first-time bird owners who have little experience with owning birds due to their low-maintenance lifestyle and interactive personalities.

Amazon Parrot

The Amazon Parrot is known for being one of the most intelligent birds in the world. With its playful personality and impressive ability to mimic speech, this bird makes for a friendly and entertaining pet in any household.

These beautiful birds require a lot of attention and affection, so you will need to make sure you are putting in the time they need. Since these birds generally form a strong bond with their owners, they can make great pets for kids. With their longer lifespan, they can bond with their owners for years to come.


These colorful birds make great pets when they are properly raised and trained. Although they are one of the smaller birds in the parrot family, they do require a larger cage, and outside-of-the-cage playtime is a must. These highly intelligent creatures make a great family pet, but they do love to bite, so you will need to put some time into ensuring they are properly socialized.

Birds are beautiful creatures, and we must ensure that we are treating them with the love and respect they need to live long and happy lives

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